pulau sipadan-attraction

Attraction ( By Evelyn & Phui ying)

Process of creating webpage using Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Flash.

The print screen below shows my individual creation of Attraction webpage. Firstly, I design the 4 buttons for the readers to click to get more information which is SCUBA DIVING, TURTLE HATCHLING, BIRD SANCTUARY and PRACTICAL TIPS by using Dreamweaver.

The images below here is the 5 links page I have created. It has a white background with black font, and some photos.

References :

Description Of The Link :
The link is to present the attraction of the PulauSipadan. The link contains some interesting pictures and describe each of the attraction to the viewer. They also can find out some activity when they visit the island.

Objective Of The Link :

The objective of the link is to let people know more about this island and to provide information to them so that they can get an idea on what to do at there. Besides that, it also can attract people to this island 'Pulau Sipadan'.


Flow chart of our individual site :


Attraction 1 : Scuba Diving

Attraction 2 : Turtle Hatchling
Be quite, no torch, follow the foot print. Oh is there, the turtle is digging the hole and start laying the eggs. It's wonderful. 
The local people will collect the eggs and centralize in place and lable with the date collect. So you will see the new born turtle everyday. You can help to send them back to the sea. They are so lovely. That's why Sipadan is a Turtle Paradise!!

Attraction 3 : Bird Sanctuary

Formerly declared as a bird sanctuary Sipadan provides another attraction for the visitor with its 47 known species of birds. The dense vegetation on Sipadan Island supports a large variety of tropical birds which include sea eagles, kingfishers, sunbirds, starlings and wood pigeons. Exotic crustaceans including the amazing coconut crab roam the beaches and scurry among the undergrowth. The island is also home to monitor lizards and fruit bats.also home to monitor lizards and fruit bats..