Thursday 14 July 2011

steps 3 & 4

                       In this steps, I started with using sponge tool to make the colour of the background a bit different.

After that, i clicked on the filter > render > lighting effect > five lights down on the jump layer and jump copy 2 layer to make it brighter.

This is the background after i used the sponge tool and added the lighting effect. 

Then, i clicked on the indicates layer visibility to all the layer except the hands layer, it is because i wanted to drop some effect on this hands layer. In the layer list double clicked on the hands layer and a blending options window appeared then selected  inner glow, Bevel and emboss, contour. 

            Next, i clicked on the horizontal type tools and wrote down the "fom open day". Then, clicked the create wrapped text and select fisheye. I also chose a purple text colour.
Last, i adjusted the level and exposure in the adjustment list to make it brighter.  

I also added some effect to the background by using the sprayed strokes. i clicked on the filter>brush strokes>sprayed stokes.

and a window like this appeared. Then adjusted the stroke length to 20 and clicked 'ok'

This is the e-wallpaper after added the effect .

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